We can do it - PBL& PjBL

"We can do it- PBL& PjBL"
Developing Learning Mindset

Dr.Anand Ngamsa-ard
Director of BDI Technological College
Learning is more important than knowledge. 
Because knowledge changes at any time. The process of finding answers is more important than answers. So the next generation of learners must find the answer themselves. 
The key is that any problem in this world has never been the same answer.

Skills in the 21st century include:

Critical thinking (dare to say, ask why is suspicious and find answers on their own)
Communication (Language skills, can communicate knowledge, thoughts, and feelings.)
Collaboration (work as a team, respect for the other ideas and cooperation)
Creative (thinking outside the box)
IT skills (Consume - how much media will be consumed.Analyze Which is reliable? Serving life using IT to benefit life.)
Financial skill (Learn how to manage spending, savings and investment.)
Life skills (the ability to set goals, plan, execute plans, evaluate outcomes, accept outcomes and flexibility to solve problems.)

Life skills courses can be integrated using PBL (Problem based learning). 
Math, Science, Social Studies, Languages These subjects should be integrated into the PjBL(Project based learning).
PBL& PjBL helps learners to have self-esteem and then they will know they are valuable, based on no children are left behind.

The importance of developing a Learning Mindset is that teachers are responsible for coaching, so that learners can learn and discover that we can do it.

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